Lookee, Lookee — I Got a Liebster!

I am on cloud nine, tickled pink, and pleased as punch to share with y’all that I have been presented with a Liebster Award by Aurora of Once Upon a Screen. Aurora is a true film aficionado and an all-around great gal, and it’s truly an honor to be recognized by her in this way!

As a recipient of the Liebster Award, I am obliged to list 11 random facts about me and answer the 11 questions put forth by the person who bestowed the award; nominate 11 other blogs; and present the recipients with 11 new questions. Ready? Here goes!


  1. I have two cats – Honey and Sweetie. (Side note:  Sweetie – the black one – has a sweet tooth, and would much rather eat cookies and cake than normal cat fare like tuna fish.)

    Sweetie and Honey. Aren't they adorable?

    Sweetie and Honey. Aren’t they adorable?

  2. I love old everything – movies, music, furniture, jewelry, glassware, clocks, fans, purses – whatever.
  3. I use my VCR every day.
  4. I love the ads from old movie magazines – they’re a scream!
  5. I have numerous collections – dolls, vintage movie magazines, ashtrays, souvenir bells, shot glasses, autographs, old radios, refrigerator magnets. It’s ridiculous already.
  6. I don’t like asparagus.
  7. I have seen The Women, Gone With the Wind, Mildred Pierce and It’s a Wonderful Life more often than any other movies, and frequently quote the dialogue when I watch them.
  8. My all-time favorite TV show is The Dick Van Dyke Show.
  9. I still use the same flip phone that was given to me for Christmas more than 10 years ago.

    This is my phone.  (Seriously!)

    This is my phone. (Seriously!)

  10. Speaking of Christmas, my tree – fully decorated – is still up.
  11. I make my own salad dressing. (And it is spectacular!)


Why do you blog?

I have always loved to write and I’ve always loved old movies. The marriage of these two loves led me to write my two books and to start my bi-monthly film noir newsletter, The Dark Pages. The blog, though, gives me the ability to interact with fellow film lovers from all over the world, as well as a freedom and a flexibility that can’t be achieved in any other way. It’s a beautiful thing.

What was your “best” filmgoing experience?

In February 2006, I started an annual tradition with my favorite movie-going partner, Kim – who also happens to be a close friend and neighbor. In our quest to view as many Oscar-nominated movies as possible, we decided to make a date to see a double-feature. The movies we chose were Brokeback Mountain and Capote, and we selected the now-shuttered Esquire Theater in Chicago as our venue. Between movies, we walked to a nearby Starbucks; as we sat outside on a heated patio, sipping our drinks and discussing the film we’d just seen, it started to snow, creating a picturesque scene of perfect, quiet beauty.  It was a moment in time that I’ll remember always.

What classic film would you absolutely love to watch on the big screen and why?

The Women (1939). Of the movies I’ve seen the most often, this is the only one that I have not seen on the big screen. It would be a kick to view this much-loved, seen-too-many-times-to-count film in the theater.

These women on the big screen? Awesome.

These women on the big screen? Awesome.

You’re having a dinner party and your list of guests includes five classic film personalities/stars/directors – who’s on your list?

I would have an elegant early evening soiree and invite Hattie McDaniel, Louise Beavers, Theresa Harris, Nina MaeMcKinney, and Butterfly McQueen. I would love to be in the presence of these pioneers, hear about their unique experiences, and gossip with them about some of Hollywood’s biggest stars.

What is your ideal day off?

On my ideal day off, I would sleep late, and then lounge around in bed all day, alternately napping, eating, and watching old movies.  Ahhh.

You can have a half-hour conversation with any fictional character. Who do you choose? Why?

Margo Channing from All About Eve.

Because she's Margo, that's why.

Because she’s Margo, that’s why.

Your favorite movie monster is?

Ew. I don’t like monsters. But since I have to answer, I’m going to say King Kong. He was kinda cute, displayed a sense of humor and good taste in women, and had a never-say-die attitude that was nothing short of remarkable.

Name one thing you have on your bucket list.

To attend the Turner Classic Movies Film Festival!

If you could choose to live in a house/apartment featured in a film or TV show, which would it be?

That’s easy – Monte Beragon’s beach house in Mildred Pierce. It’s got it all – spacious rooms, fireplaces, built-in bar, outdoor patio, private ocean – what’s not to love?

Pay no attention to the dead guy on the floor.

Bewitched or I Dream of Jeannie?

As much as I love Samantha, I’m going to have to go with I Dream of Jeannie. I always wished I could hang out inside that bottle. Plus, there was just something more goofy and fun about I Dream of Jeannie. (Although Bewitched did have Uncle Arthur and Aunt Clara!)

Favorite film decade.

This was a toughie. Pre-Code represents the 1930s, but film noir covers the 1940s and 1950s. To decide, I considered some of my favorite films outside of these two eras – I came up with Twentieth Century (1934), Stage Door (1937), My Man Godfrey (1936), Marked Woman (1937),You Can’t Take it With You (1938), The Women (1939), The Wizard of Oz (1939), Gone With the Wind (1939), His Girl Friday (1940), The Little Foxes (1941), Gaslight (1944), It’s a Wonderful Life (1946), The Heiress (1949), All About Eve (1950), A Streetcar Named Desire (1951), and The Seven-Year Itch (1955).  So by virtue of sheer numbers, da winnah, by a nose, is . . . the 1930s!!!!

Twentieth Century (1934): Just one of the many great offerings from my favorite decade.

Twentieth Century (1934): Just one of the many great offerings from my favorite decade.


It is now my distinct privilege and pleasure to bestow, forthwith and evermore, the Liebster Award upon the following blogs. Each of them offers stellar writing skills and interesting topics; you can literally spend hours perusing the great posts. You truly owe it to yourself to check out each and every one of them – they’re the most!

The Man on the Flying Trapeze


Pop Sensation

Classic Filmboy’s Movie Paradise

Films From Beyond the Time Barrier

Film Noir Blonde

The Girl with the White Parasol

Faded Video Labels

Old Movies Nostalgia

OCD Viewer

Films on the Box

And for these lucky new Liebster recipients, my questions. Congratulations and have fun!

  1. What movie do you watch every time it comes on TV?
  2. What’s your favorite movie musical?

    Joan Blondell joins me in asking:  What's your favorite musical?

    Joan Blondell joins me in asking: What’s your favorite musical?

  3. What classic movie star would you have most liked to meet?
  4. What’s your most treasured movie or TV-related possession?
  5. If you could make a living doing whatever you wanted to do, what would that be?
  6. What’s your favorite movie western?
  7. Have you ever had an encounter with a movie or TV star?
  8. If you could program a perfect day of movies on TCM, what would be the seven films on your schedule?
  9. Who are your top five favorite fictional characters?
  10. What movie have you seen more often than any other?
  11. Bette Davis or Joan Crawford?

~ by shadowsandsatin on April 3, 2013.

19 Responses to “Lookee, Lookee — I Got a Liebster!”

  1. Hooray! The Liebster Award couldn’t happen to a more deserving gal! Congratulations, Karen! We of Team Bartilucci are thrilled for you! 😀

  2. Well, well…can I pick ’em of WHAT!? You’re too much, to say the very least. LOVE your answers and all those fab things about yourself. Sweetie and Honey can come over to visit me any time they want. Just adore that picture with one paw over the other. Too damn cute for words. Also enjoyed a look at your ancient cell phone – THAT IS CLASSY! Seriously. I tend to jump at each new version and never quite learn to use them.

    I love all of your answers and new questions so I can’t comment on all or I’ll be here all day and blow up the blog or something. But, love the way you write and your sense of humor. I think that bucket list thing is coming true this year, is it not?? 😀

    Finally, you give the award to blogs I am not familiar with so I will definitely be taking a journey to visit each.

    Thanks much, Karen for doing this up in style!


    • Aw, thanks, Aurora! You are too kind, far too kind. And thank you so much again for this awesome award! I am still celebrating! Finally, I am hopeful that my TCMFF bucket list item will come true — that’s the plan!

  3. Congrats! Glad your fine blog got some recognition and love.

    • Thank you so much, Charles! And thank you for being such an awesome contributor — your insightful comments are always very much appreciated! And that’s the truth!

  4. Congrats on the Liebster! Yay! It was great to have the opportunity to learn more about you…and I must say I’m impressed that you’ve had your phone for so long.

  5. Be careful what you wish for …


    Thanks for thinking of me!

  6. Hi Karen, congratulations on the award and thank you so much for passing one along to me. I’ve been a long time admirer of your site and love your work. Your posts are always brilliant and you clearly have exceptional taste! Thanks again.

    • Thank you so much, Joe – you are far too kind. I have admired your blog for a long time, too! You’re a great writer. And I’m not just whistling Dixie! 🙂

  7. Congratulations on your award, Karen! It is certainly well deserved! And thanks so much for the mention. As always, I really appreciate your kindness and support. I hope you get to cross the TCMFF off your list soon! What a great film-going experience you had though. Chicago (my favorite city!), Starbucks with a good friend, and a beautiful snowfall sounds magical.

    • Thanks, Ginny — and you’re more than welcome. You know how I enjoy your blog — especially the “state” posts! And you are so right about that magical movie experience. I don’t think it’ll ever be equaled, but I’m glad it’s such a clear, fond memory.

  8. Karen, you’re an absolute gem. I’m not surprised you were chosen for the award; the only surprise will be if sundry other souls on the blogosphere don’t try to tag you for it again in the next few weeks. I was glad to get all the new info about you. The fact that you name-checked Theresa Harris and Stage Door in the same post would be more than enough to make it a treat, but I’m also impressed by your desire to live in Monte Beragon’s house. You’re right, that place sure was memorable. And thank you very much for tagging me. You’ve always been a welcome visitor to my blog. I’ll try to post my response quickly. It’s been a pretty busy week.

    • You are far too kind, Aubyn — I am one of your biggest fans. You write with a style that is as enviable as it is impressive! I’m glad to have had this opportunity to salute you!

  9. Karen,
    Thanks so much for sending the Liebster “seal of approval” my way. It’s a real honor, coming from someone I admire so much! I didn’t want to take too long coming up with a response, so I composed my post during some breaks in baseball games and the Final Four. If it’s somewhat incoherent, that’s the reason! 🙂


    • My pleasure, Brian — and thank you so much for the lovely compliment! Your blog is most awesome — I’m happy to shine a much-deserved spotlight your way!

  10. […] passing, travel, and my pervasive drinking problem, but, on top of that, I was also given a Liebster Award from Karen over at Shadows and Satin! (It’s okay, Karen, I’m not mad at […]

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