Shadowy and Satiny for the Month of June . . . and a Pre-Code DVD Giveaway!

I’m doing a little something different with this month’s Shadowy and Satiny TCM recommendations. Because I’m working on a couple of big projects right now, I’m delighted to shine the light on two first-rate films airing in June that I previously covered here on the blog.

My satiny pick is Street Scene (1931), airing on June 12th, and my shadowy pick is The Narrow Margin (1952), airing on June 29th. You can’t go wrong with these gems. Trust me.

Also, I’m taking this opportunity to announce a giveaway I’m having for the two films I recently wrote about in the “It’s In the Name of the Title” blogathon: The Strange Case of Clara Deane (1932) and The Strange Love of Molly Louvain (1932). If you need a reminder (or you missed it the first time around), a link to the post is here. Because they’re so hard to find, and I’m all about sharing the classic movie love, I have two DVD copies of each, which I ordered from my favorite hard-to-find classic movie dealer, Gary. To enter, just use this form to indicate which movie you want to be considered for. The deadline to enter is 6 p.m. (EST) on June 8, 2024. If you’re a winner, I’ll contact you by email on Monday, June 10th.

Good luck!

~ by shadowsandsatin on June 3, 2024.

7 Responses to “Shadowy and Satiny for the Month of June . . . and a Pre-Code DVD Giveaway!”

  1. Does Gary your dealer have a website?



  2. Great picks both!

    The Narrow Margin is one of my all-time faves. It’s endlessly quotable, and I will never stop wanting Marie Windsor’s fabulous negligee. (And her figure, too!)

    P.S. Gary is my dvd guy, too! He’s got EVERYTHING!!

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